
Paintings, Illustration, Graphic Design, Photography

:am_Abstract Art

Abstract Art does not attempt to represent an accurate depiction of a visual reality but instead uses shapes, colours, forms and gestural marks to achieve its effect; it’s a departure from reality with the freedom to explore the minds and emotions in a way that is not a traditional to express and connect the feeling and vibes.

A different perspective than the usual perception of realism characterized by the use of colour and strokes to make the objects appear detached from reality.



“Mutation” – Acrylic Painting

Color Abstraction

“Frienship” – Acrylic Painting

Mix Media

“Roof Top”- Acrylic, collage

"victim of beauty"

Exhibition Gallery Montgallet Paris / 2012

This series of portraits expresses the satire and grotesque use of aesthetic medicine in some cases improperly and abusively. In the past decades the fashion world has become an androgyny, perfect and often surreal world. Our Society has fully accepted the display of perfect beauty.

Victim of Beauty is a profound portrait of abuse and extremism in the beauty industry, portrayed in a comic and surreal way by figures expressing their perverted minds and fears through colour, eccentricity, confusion and imperfection.


“Victim of Beauty”  Gallery Montgallet

Art Mistake offers a unique selection of art. Our inspiration comes from the trends of lifestyle, fashion and design, combining our roots in European pop culture and a surreal approach in the creative industry.

Why Buy Art?

Art has a profound influence on society. It is one of the foundations on which our civilisation is built. It is a form of communication, capable of evoking emotions, conveying messages, and capturing and interpreting the world we live in.

Buying art has a profound positive effect on your life. It will expand your circle of acquaintances, increase your knowledge, and with the right strategy in place, also give you the opportunity to see a significant increase in the value of your financial investment.

In order to benefit from your investment, you need to get involved. The moment you buy a work of art, you have made a commitment, not only to increase its value by monetary means but also to participate in its appreciation.


“The letter” – Collage, Acrylic